Top Veterinary Articles of the Week: Myasthenia Gravis, The Problem with Thick Scabs, and more ...

Myasthenia Gravis – When the Muscles & Nerves Don’t Talk

Dr. Christopher Byers/CriticalCareDVM

Myasthenia Gravis was one of the things I was researching when I was trying to figure out what was happening with Cookie's legs. Initial exams didn't reveal anything that would explain what was happening so I was looking up everything that could be causing Cookie's legs giving out on her. Fortunately, myasthenia gravis didn't seem the right fit either, even though it does a look a bit similar to what we observed in Cookie.

Myasthenia gravis is a condition in which the dog's muscles aren't receiving nerve signals properly. It can be either congenital or autoimmune in nature. To learn more about what myasthenia gravis is and how it can be diagnosed and treated, read Dr. Byers' article.

Myasthenia Gravis in Dogs

Dr. Dodds

It's interesting that Dr. Byers and Dr. Dodds chose similar timing for their articles. If your dog has just been diagnosed with myasthenia gravis, or it is on a suspect list, I recommend you read both.

Why thick Scabs Increase Scarring and the Rist of Infections

Dr. Peter Dobias

I am always excited that I find an article with a unique subject or a unique approach to a common problem.

A scab is a rough, protective crust that forms over a cut or wound during healing. That makes it a good thing, doesn't it? Isn't that designed to prevent infections? I wouldn't know, I always compulsively pick off mine. I do know that granny always hated when I did that, telling me I shouldn't that it's going to get infected. Could granny had been wrong?

When it comes to my dogs, I can't help putting something on their wounds, be it vitamin E or raw honey, and I always had good results with that.

Even though the article seems to be designed to sell a specific product, the reasoning presented is interesting.

Top Seven Things To NEVER Say To Your Vet

Dr. Krista Magnifico/Diary of a Real-Life Veterinarian

Dr. Krista is probably the most compassionate veterinarian I know. She will bend over backward to help a pet in need. If that is what you want in your vet, though, there are some things you should never say to them. Or any vet, for that matter.

  1. What would you do if this was your pet?
  2. Wouldn't it be cheaper to get a new one?
  3. I don't want to pay for stuff (vaccines/diagnostics) that I don't need.
  4. They are this way because they were abused.
  5. I don't believe in heartworm prevention/flea & tick prevention/vaccines, etc.
  6. I don't want to put them through, XXXX procedure.
  7. I got a new puppy and I don't want my old one anymore.

I admit I am guilty of the first one, though I only did that once and that was at the beginning of my dog health advocacy journey. As for number six, I feel that it depends on what the situation, what the procedure is and what the possible best outcome would be. I believe there are times when putting a dog through procedures that are not likely to change the treatment plan or the outcome is indeed something to possibly pass on. I liked what Dr. Shailen of Veterinary ECC Small Talk said, which is that one should ask themselves two questions. 1) what am I going to do if the test result is negative? 2) what am I going to do if the test result is positive? And if the answers to those two questions are the same, there is no point of doing the test. Just as well if the potential best-case scenario is grim. I think this can be an individual decision that should be made for the best interest of the dog involved.

Some of the other points, though, I find shocking that somebody would even think about, never mind saying them out loud. What do you think?

For Dr. Krista reasoning behind her list, read the article.
