Advanced Praise for "Symptoms to Watch for in Your Dog"

What do you know, my first book, "Symptoms to Watch for in Your Dog", is finally about ready to face the world.

I am at the final stages of getting it out there.

Right now I am working on getting advanced reviews and I already got a few very kind ones which I wanted to share.

"Symptoms to Watch for in Your Dog can be a helpful addition to a dog owners’ library and a big help to ensure that dogs receive timely medical care. At the other end of the leash from the dog is a human. Humans are the gatekeepers of their dogs’ health. The more aware they are of their needs, the better off the dogs will be. The experiences of a dog owner who has been through many health issues with their dogs can help guide others towards getting appropriate care for their dogs. An average dog owner may only have 1, 2 or 3 dogs in their entire lives. Knowing what is normal and abnormal can take exposure to hundreds to thousands of dogs. This book helps fill in that missing experience."
~Dr. Rae Worden, Fergus Veterinary Hospital

"Life just became easier for dog owners/parents. Symptoms to Watch for in Your Dog truly leaves no stone unturned and more importantly, teaches HOW to advocate for your dog. Knowledge is power, and this important new book provides the tools to "read" their dogs and get them to the Vet pronto when necessary. All the tools are there.
Symptoms to Watch for in Your Dog flows in a logical easy to read format, both instructive and exhaustively thorough. Every pet owner, indeed very Dog Behavior Consultant, will want this book. Practicing latter Profession for years taught me that dog illness was very frequently at the root of a change in behavior. I applaud Jana Rade for concisely and succinctly making important information available to pet owners."
~Leslie Clifton PMCT (Pat Miller Certified Trainer)
  CPDT-KA (Certified Pet Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed )
  Dog Behavior Consultant
  Retired DogSmith Dog Training Professional

“In her quest to learn everything possible about dog health, Jana Rade has become a master at detecting symptoms that need to be addressed by a veterinary health care professional. Symptoms to Watch for in Your Dog is a valuable resource for canine parents everywhere. Take comfort that she will be your guiding light in helping to quickly identify, understand and assess problem areas.  Your dog’s well-being depends on it.”
~Susan E. Davis, PT Animal Physical Therapist and Author
