Your Dog Wants To Follow You. You Just Gotta Be Going Some Place

It is my observation that dogs are least likely to get themselves into trouble when the whole group is on the move.

It seems that the mere act of walking gives them focus and purpose. 

It helps them bond with their humans as well as other dogs. Even dogs who were normally trouble makers settled down and got along with everybody when we were on the move.

In a dog park, the dogs most likely to cause trouble are those who's owners just stand around in one place.

The dog park we sometimes went to in Kitchener had a list of rules which all made sense and which included NOT STANDING AROUND in one spot. However, the city also figured that it was a great idea to put a couple of park benches in there. How is that for irony?

Of course, most owners hung around the benches and their dogs were getting in trouble regularly.

Even the nasty dog at friends' farm got along with everybody while on a walk. Then, of course, she'd get back to her regular nasty self.

When we moved up here, at first we were quite worried about taking Cookie into the bush.

The temptations are greater there than in the open areas around the trailer. As it turns out, she does a marvelous job when walking with us through the bush. Sticking around better than anywhere else, more responsive than anywhere else.

Almost as if she felt more responsible for keeping an eye on us.

Well, I don't know that for sure but she certainly seems very excited about the shared hunting adventures and exploring things together.

If we stop for too long, then she will find something to explore on her own.

This, I think, applies figuratively as well.

Your dog wants to follow you. But you need to be going somewhere.

Meaning you need to know what you're doing. Provide clear direction. I believe that dogs are happy to follow rules as long as they can figure out what the heck those are.

If you're standing still, the dog will find their own direction to go in.

It's all about figuring out where the heck we're going and getting on with it.

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  1. Yes! That is so true. If they are busy walking with you or the group, they are more focused on moving forward then getting into fights with one another or wandering off to explore. I do see this standing around behavior a lot at dog parks, sometimes I'm the only one walking or playing with my dog.

    1. Happens too much in dog parks ... such simple rule and nobody is able to follow it. Except us ;-)


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