Jasmine was beyond amazing in too many ways to count. Among other things, she was exceptionally smart.
Typically, she was too smart for our own good.
First she would figure things out, then she'd figure out how to use that for her own purposes. SOMETIMES we got the benefit from her smarts. The probably most astonishing example was Jasmine's house training.
From the moment we brought her home, I worked really hard making sure she eliminated outside.
I didn't have any experience, but I did read some books. I was as diligent as I knew how. Taking her out after she woke up, after we played, after she ate ... plus every so often, you know the drill. Couple times I caught her starting to squat so I scooped her up and out to the yard we went.
At the evening of the second day, suddenly we noticed Jasmine whining at the door.
Nah, that couldn't be, we thought. She's not actually asking for the door, is she? However, I figured it would be a good thing for her to know that whining at the door gets her outside. So we let her outside and she peed.
The next day, though, around dinner time, she was at the door again.
Hubby and I looked at each other as we were letting her out.
That was it. She had it figured out by the end of the second day!
Within the first week we had two poop accidents and one pee accident in the house. Once she had runny poop and she took it as close to the door as she could. The second time, yeah, it was hubby's fault. Jasmine asked for the door, did her business and came back and asked for the door again. Hubby figured she was just being a pest and he wasn't going to play along. Oops. So she pooped right in the middle of the room.
The pee accident happened because we had visitors and it all that excitement there was just no time to go anywhere with it.
In one week, Jasmine was reliably house trained.
It was hard to believe but it was true. That's how smart and clean that little girl was.
If her whining at the door got missed, she'd come up and swat one of us. Jasmine was a very good problem solver. If something didn't work the way it should, she'd keep trying different things until one of them did work.
And yeah, she didn't quit until she got what she wanted. My dear clever, problem-solving girl.
It was quite a shock to us when we got JD whose house training happened within the normal time frame. We knew that Jasmine was special, but it's easy to get spoiled, isn't it?
Related articles:
The Wackiest Thing I Ever Did For My Dog
Today, Jasmine Would Have Been Ten Years Old
The Bond That Cannot Be Severed
Memories Of Jasmine: Camping
Memories Of Jasmine: The Treasure Keeper
Memories Of Jasmine: Best Buddies
Memories Of Jasmine: The Lost Forest
Treatments Jasmine Benefited From The Most
Memories Of Jasmine: Remix 4
Memories Of Jasmine: Remix 3
Making The Last Decision
Memories Of Jasmine: Remix 2
Memories Of Jasmine: Remix 1
Jasmine's Last Happy Days Before The Final Crisis
The Last Act Of Love: Run Free, Jasmine
Pain, Reaction To Narcotics Or Something Else? Please Pray For Jasmine
It Just Keeps Piling Up
I Always Thought That A UTI Would Scream It's Presence
Taking A Break From Orthopedic Issues To Deal With Inappetence, Diarrhea And Listlessness That Come And Go
Positive Update, Though Little Clarity
Jasmine's Neck Setback Update
Jasmine's Neck Setback
Elbow Problem Or Root Signature?
Back To Where We Were Last May?
Jasmine's Disc Injury: Spanking New Ramp
Jasmine's Disc Injury: The Parole Hearing
Jasmine's Disc Injury: Mom, Why Can't I Go For A Walk?
Jasmine's Disc Injury(?) Day Three
Jasmine's Disc Injury(?) Day Two
A Time Bomb Ought To Go Off At Some Point, I Guess: Jasmine's Neck
OK, I Am A Sucker: We're Going Through With The SLIT
Jasmine's Episodes: Back To The Allergies Dilemma
This Is What Jasmine's Episode Looks Like
Gotta Try Everything Once (Or Twice): On The Quest To Figure Out Jasmine's Episodes
Thundershirt vs. Jasmine's Episodes
Jasmine's Mysterious Swelling And Another Experience With VetLiveThe Diagnosis Is In: Jasmine Has An Interdigital Cyst
Jasmine's Mysterious Swelling And Interdigital Cyst Update
Is Crawling Under Things Some Kind Of Secret Physical Therapy?
Is There No Place Safe? Jasmine's Acupuncture Session
Senior Sensory Systems Function: Zero Defects
It Looks Like A Keeper: Jasmine's New Integrative Vet
Jasmine's Acute Lameness
Jasmine Doesn't Like "Doing Time"
Our Of Jail Free Pass
When It's Looks Too Good To Be True … The Lameness Returns
The Day Of The Treatment
First Time For Everything: A Healing Crisis(?)
From Zero To Sixty In Four Days: Stem Cells At Work
The Calm After The Storm
If It Was Easy, It Wouldn't Be Jasmine
Practicing What I Preach: Jasmine's Semi Annual Wellness Exam
No Skimping On Oral Care
I'm Still Standing! (Happy Birthday, Jasmine)
How Dogs Think (Well, Jasmine Anyway)
Jasmine is Vet-Stem's poster child!
Rant About Quality Of Life Versus Quantity, And Differential Diagnoses
Jasmine Is Headed For Her Next Stem Cell Treatment
Jasmine's Stem Cells Are In
Arthritis? What Arthritis?
Guess Who Is An Ever-Ready Bunny And Really Liking The Bit Of Snow We Got?
Don't Knock It Until You Tried It: Animal Chiropractic
Jasmine's Fur Analysis
Back At Chiropractic Care
Our Own Emergency Vet Horror (Part I)
Our Own Emergency Vet Horror (Part II)
How The Oddysey Started: Jasmine's ACL Injury
Meet Jasmine
Typically, she was too smart for our own good.
First she would figure things out, then she'd figure out how to use that for her own purposes. SOMETIMES we got the benefit from her smarts. The probably most astonishing example was Jasmine's house training.
From the moment we brought her home, I worked really hard making sure she eliminated outside.
I didn't have any experience, but I did read some books. I was as diligent as I knew how. Taking her out after she woke up, after we played, after she ate ... plus every so often, you know the drill. Couple times I caught her starting to squat so I scooped her up and out to the yard we went.
At the evening of the second day, suddenly we noticed Jasmine whining at the door.
Nah, that couldn't be, we thought. She's not actually asking for the door, is she? However, I figured it would be a good thing for her to know that whining at the door gets her outside. So we let her outside and she peed.
The next day, though, around dinner time, she was at the door again.
Hubby and I looked at each other as we were letting her out.
That was it. She had it figured out by the end of the second day!
Within the first week we had two poop accidents and one pee accident in the house. Once she had runny poop and she took it as close to the door as she could. The second time, yeah, it was hubby's fault. Jasmine asked for the door, did her business and came back and asked for the door again. Hubby figured she was just being a pest and he wasn't going to play along. Oops. So she pooped right in the middle of the room.
The pee accident happened because we had visitors and it all that excitement there was just no time to go anywhere with it.
In one week, Jasmine was reliably house trained.
It was hard to believe but it was true. That's how smart and clean that little girl was.
If her whining at the door got missed, she'd come up and swat one of us. Jasmine was a very good problem solver. If something didn't work the way it should, she'd keep trying different things until one of them did work.
And yeah, she didn't quit until she got what she wanted. My dear clever, problem-solving girl.
It was quite a shock to us when we got JD whose house training happened within the normal time frame. We knew that Jasmine was special, but it's easy to get spoiled, isn't it?
Related articles:
The Wackiest Thing I Ever Did For My Dog
Today, Jasmine Would Have Been Ten Years Old
The Bond That Cannot Be Severed
Memories Of Jasmine: Camping
Memories Of Jasmine: The Treasure Keeper
Memories Of Jasmine: Best Buddies
Memories Of Jasmine: The Lost Forest
Treatments Jasmine Benefited From The Most
Memories Of Jasmine: Remix 4
Memories Of Jasmine: Remix 3
Making The Last Decision
Memories Of Jasmine: Remix 2
Memories Of Jasmine: Remix 1
Jasmine's Last Happy Days Before The Final Crisis
The Last Act Of Love: Run Free, Jasmine
Pain, Reaction To Narcotics Or Something Else? Please Pray For Jasmine
It Just Keeps Piling Up
I Always Thought That A UTI Would Scream It's Presence
Taking A Break From Orthopedic Issues To Deal With Inappetence, Diarrhea And Listlessness That Come And Go
Positive Update, Though Little Clarity
Jasmine's Neck Setback Update
Jasmine's Neck Setback
Elbow Problem Or Root Signature?
Back To Where We Were Last May?
Jasmine's Disc Injury: Spanking New Ramp
Jasmine's Disc Injury: The Parole Hearing
Jasmine's Disc Injury: Mom, Why Can't I Go For A Walk?
Jasmine's Disc Injury(?) Day Three
Jasmine's Disc Injury(?) Day Two
A Time Bomb Ought To Go Off At Some Point, I Guess: Jasmine's Neck
OK, I Am A Sucker: We're Going Through With The SLIT
Jasmine's Episodes: Back To The Allergies Dilemma
This Is What Jasmine's Episode Looks Like
Gotta Try Everything Once (Or Twice): On The Quest To Figure Out Jasmine's Episodes
Thundershirt vs. Jasmine's Episodes
Jasmine's Mysterious Swelling And Another Experience With VetLiveThe Diagnosis Is In: Jasmine Has An Interdigital Cyst
Jasmine's Mysterious Swelling And Interdigital Cyst Update
Is Crawling Under Things Some Kind Of Secret Physical Therapy?
Is There No Place Safe? Jasmine's Acupuncture Session
Senior Sensory Systems Function: Zero Defects
It Looks Like A Keeper: Jasmine's New Integrative Vet
Jasmine's Acute Lameness
Jasmine Doesn't Like "Doing Time"
Our Of Jail Free Pass
When It's Looks Too Good To Be True … The Lameness Returns
The Day Of The Treatment
First Time For Everything: A Healing Crisis(?)
From Zero To Sixty In Four Days: Stem Cells At Work
The Calm After The Storm
If It Was Easy, It Wouldn't Be Jasmine
Practicing What I Preach: Jasmine's Semi Annual Wellness Exam
No Skimping On Oral Care
I'm Still Standing! (Happy Birthday, Jasmine)
How Dogs Think (Well, Jasmine Anyway)
Jasmine is Vet-Stem's poster child!
Rant About Quality Of Life Versus Quantity, And Differential Diagnoses
Jasmine Is Headed For Her Next Stem Cell Treatment
Jasmine's Stem Cells Are In
Arthritis? What Arthritis?
Guess Who Is An Ever-Ready Bunny And Really Liking The Bit Of Snow We Got?
Don't Knock It Until You Tried It: Animal Chiropractic
Jasmine's Fur Analysis
Back At Chiropractic Care
Our Own Emergency Vet Horror (Part I)
Our Own Emergency Vet Horror (Part II)
How The Oddysey Started: Jasmine's ACL Injury
Meet Jasmine
Oh boy how I wish Leroy was able to pick up potty training that quickly when he was a pup!
ReplyDeleteI think Jasmine what the only one exception :-) I did everything the same with JD and took him much longer (the normal time frame).
DeleteJasmine was one of the kind.