How Dog Massage Healed A Mystery Limp

This guest post comes from Sonia Singh, a dog supplies expert.  She writes about the big dog lifestyle on the Large Dog Blog at

Nala’s limp started first thing one morning, as soon as she tried to get up.

She stood up to greet me, then after putting weight on her front leg once immediately picked up her paw and hopped over to me.

That’s not normal.

I took her to the vet, where they couldn’t find anything abnormal from the physical exam. The vet recommended x-rays to check for skeletal causes and a blood test for valley fever. Here in Arizona, valley fever is a common ailment for both people and pets with recovery time up to a year, so it’s not something to mess with. The first symptom in dogs is often lameness as a result of lesions on bones and joints.

Price tag: $200 for the valley fever test, plus $300 for the x-rays and sedation.
Results: no valley fever, elbow dysplasia unrelated to the limp, and a calcium growth on her sternum possibly, but not likely, related to the limp. The vet prescribed a common non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and sent us on our way.

Frustrated, I took Nala home with no real progress on her limp. 

She didn’t seem bothered by it – in fact, she had picked up speed on three legs and didn’t seem to care that one was unusable. But I didn’t want to keep giving her drugs that weren’t doing anything for her and leave the real problem to continue.

A couple of days later, having seen no improvement in Nala’s leg and still in the dark about what caused it, I found myself at a free workshop on dog massage

It was conducted by a veterinarian who practices traditional Chinese veterinary medicine, something I had never heard of. She gave a phenomenal class on how to massage your dog, including where to focus for various symptoms.

That night I gave Nala her first doggie massage, with special attention on areas for pain relief and inflammation reduction. 

I thought it might be hard to get her to sit still, or that she would respond to areas that hurt her, but nothing. Nala lay on her bed and soaked it up happily. The next day, I gave her two more massages, one in the morning and one at night.

The next morning, Nala was walking normally on all four legs!

I kept up the message for a day or two more to prevent any aggravation – after all, like most active dogs my Nala doesn’t know to go easy on an injury. Still, the limp never came back. Price tag: $0. Results: A pain-free dog.

To this day, I have no idea what caused Nala’s limp. 

Her medical record shows no sign of an explanation or cure. Her dad swears I have healing hands, but of course, there’s more to it than that. Massage based on thousands of years of medical understanding did the trick.

*** was inspired by Nala, an adopted pound puppy that had quite a growth spurt between 3 and 9 months old. She wasn't done growing and it was already tough to find good stuff for her.

The average stuff you find at big-box pet stores was just not going to work here.  So was born: to give big dog owners a resource for useful products and helpful tips.


  1. well done ! :) elbow dysplasia unrelated to the limp? is the dysplasia on the same leg? I wonder if it was a muscle trigger point that you have massaged out? I have lots of stuff on PT on my blog

  2. Dr. Durin - Thanks! Yes, the elbow dysplasia is on the same leg as the limp, but the vet noticed that the aggravation was in the shoulder and thought it was unrelated. But you bring up a good point - it's all connected and shoulder isn't that far from elbow. I'll check out your PT post, thanks!

  3. I want to know how can I help my dog if he is limping I don't know what cause it .

    1. Other than rest, without knowing what's going on you cannot do much.

      Which leg is it? How bad is it? How long has it gone on? A limp can be caused by so many things; you need to find out which first of all.

      Please see


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