Veterinary Highlights: Stem Cell Treatments For Paralyzed Dogs

Having experience with stem cell therapy ourselves, related research is of a great interest to me. Jasmine has benefited greatly from her past treatments, and the benefits of her latest injections are unfolding.

A new clinical trial at NC State explores the promise of the stem-cell therapy for treating paralyzed dogs.

Neurologist Dr. Natasha Olby with the College of Veterinary Medicine is working to restore some mobility to dogs who lost the use of their hind legs because of a herniated disc.

Although Tobi will never fully regain the use of his legs, he has benefited from a clinical trial involving stem cell transplantation in dogs that is currently underway at North Carolina State University.

According to Dr. Olby, even in the case of severe spinal cord injury all may not be lost in terms of spinal cord function – there may still be salvageable, living nerves and nerve fibers, or axons, bridging the site of the injury that could still transmit signals if they had a little help.

Source articles:
Stem Cell Therapies for Paralyzed Pooches
Back on Their Feet
